
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lincoln, Roosevelt 2008

I detest the idea that Hillary Clinton will likely be our next president. No I am not a rabid sexist (I'd happily and enthusiastically vote for a Pelosi Boxer ticket; though that's partially out of California pride), I dislike Hillary on for reasons of ideology, because of her centrism, because of the way in which she represents the political establishment and to some extent because she didn't divorce Bill.

Mostly though, I think that it is a mockery of democracy to have the presidency controlled by two families for 4 terms. If Hillary wins that's at least 24 possibly 28 years of two family rule. I was born in 1984 and as it is I can only remember two families controlling the presidency; if Hillary gets two terms that will mean that in 2017 there will be 35 year olds who will not recall a non-Bush/Clinton president. No country that claims to be democratic, equal, or meritocratic can allow this to happen.

The fact that this is not a major issue in this campaign season strikes me as odd and a sad sign of the decline of American political culture and America in general.

Unfortunately, I believe that this is the most likely outcome of the coming election.

I, however, cannot bring myself to vote for a Republican and don't want to glorify some fringe nutjobs by voting third party.

Therefore, I would like to announce, as a protest against the decline of American democracy, the candidacy of out two greatest presidents, on one ticket: Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt.



Anonymous said...

Roosevelt Roosevelt 2008

Anonymous said...

Gore Carter

Anonymous said...

Cheny Bush 2008

Third times a charm.