
Friday, May 11, 2007

12 Seconds of Glory

This really isn't blog worthy, but, in the spirit of that eternal human instinct "Eww! this [rancid milk; old fish, etc.] is gross! why don't you smell it too?" I feel the need to take everyone on the 12 second roller coaster ride I experienced while watching international CNN. OK, I wasn't really watching international CNN, I was watching 30 Rock episodes on, but when I saw this, I immediately realized that if it were true, I better come up with a good "where was I when I heard the good news" story to bore my grandchildren with: "Well littlest Ricky, I was loitering down by the OTB (off-track betting) had just made a citizens arrest, protecting an old lady from a band of thieving gypsies when this cute little number in a red dress ran up to me screaming 'Bush resigned!' So I kissed her, and that's how your father was conceived. This of course was before the gonorrheasyphilAIDS became rampant amongst the foot-fetish and golden shower crowds of greater Detroit, later spreading into the main population by way of the 'golden shower curious' folks. Ahh... those were simpler times."


Anonymous said...

Sex really is your greatest fear huh?

Dr. No Face said...

Go suck an egg phil.