
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Dork Alert

First, let me say I'm sorry this entry is coming up a few days later then I had planned. That being said, this will be a spoiler for anybody who has not watched this week's episode of Lost yet, "Greatest Hits." Now, like any blog I write, I have to start with the beginning, years and years ago.

Years ago, I read the Lord of the Rings. I warned you, you have now entered dork zone. I remember reading the end of The Two Towers, namely the scene with Sam and Shelob (the giant spider) and chapters of The Return of the King, leading from Sam as the ring bearer to the ring being casted into the cracks of Mount Doom (keep in mind, the events of The Two Towers with Shelob actually were in the third movie... so if you haven't read the book, don't bother trying to correct me). As I was reading these chapters, I kept thinking that I had never read anything that was so desperate, lonely, and heroic. Here were two hobbits from the Shire, miles from home, enduring so much suffering. You have Frodo to the point where he can't even walk anymore, and there is Sam, willing to carry Frodo on his back up the cliffs of Mount Doom, starved, dying of thirst, well aware that atop Mount Doom they will surely meet their death. Now, I am no poet, so I really can't convey their experience, so I will just recommend that you read it yourself. The point is, I thought that I had never read anything so cool.

Now, more recently, just a few months ago, I was thinking, how cool would it be if you could somehow write a story that in some way embodied this same desperation portrayed in the novel? Some modern version of the story. I'm reminded of the time in 2nd grade when I had to write a short story in class, I decided to write about being the last remaining soldier in the Gulf War. Of the Iraqis, there was just Saddam and his right- hand man. But just when you think I am ready to save the day, what do you know, I only have two bullets left. No way I could pull that off. So what do I do?

Just watch the first 1:40 (including the best line from the movie).

"I hope that's not a hostage." Classic. Anyway, I don't think my story included a chick, or Saddam falling out the window. Having just watched the movie with my dad though, I guess I thought it was worth stealing... or perhaps make homage to. But, as usual, I digress.

When I first finished watching the "Greatest Hits" last Wednesday, I thought, "alright, that episode didn't really move the plot or anything. Just kind of set- up for next week." Then, the next day, I thought about the episode more and more. I realized, this episode was not so much just set- up for the finale. If you look at the episode in and of itself, it was in many ways unlike any other episode. It was a Eulogy to Charlie. I don't think I'm going to win any awards for this obvious observation, but hear me out on the rest of what I have to say.

My respect for the episode goes back to my original Lost post, about why it is such a great show. In my opinion, Charlie has come to win a huge amount of respect from me. I don't mean the character, the actor rather. Whatever his name is, Dominic Mohaganan or whatever, too lazy to go to imdb. You know, Charlie, seen here playing Merry in The Lord of the Rings:

Isn't he cute? Anyway, I didn't really care for Charlie at the beginning. As an actor, he was whatever. This season though, he has really begun to show his skills. If I were nailing Kate in real life though, I guess I would be pretty good at what I do too. I guess you'll just have to settle for this sex starved blog entry instead. Really though, the guy was playing a hobbit just a few years ago, now he got Claire in the show, AND he is sleeping with Kate off the show. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. And meanwhile, poor Josh Holloway, Sawyer, the guy could probably be sleeping with 100 (quantity) 18 (quality) year old virgins right now... but, well, he's married. I'm starting to think I have been reading too many gossip blogs.

Now, unlike most people, I didn't mind the ride the short bus episode, you know, male bonding 101, find a beat up VW and drink beer episode. I really enjoyed it because it helped develop this brotherhood that has developed on the island. I enjoy the fact that you really see this development of Hurley and Charlie's friendship, or even just Charlie, Hurley, and Desmond singing by the campfire. These things, in my opinion were essential to help prepare for episodes like this weeks.

So let me get to the point. It was on Thursday that I realized, the reason I liked the "Greatest Hits" so much, was because it had achieved what I always wanted to do (also making me hate it in a jealous kind of way). This was Sam and Frodo entering Mordor. Now, I am not going to make the argument that the writers were intending to make some homage to The Lord of the Rings, however, sort of in the way that they say Shakespeare wrote every kind of story that exists and everything else is just variations of that, I feel as though this episode does the same. (Most recently, by the way, I hear they are making a Israel- Palestine version of Romeo and Juliet. Man, couldn't see that one coming. "Herschel, your love is so wrong... but it feels so good.")

Anyway, for what seems like a long time now, we have heard again and again, Charlie is going to die. I guess it is like a weaker version of what is in the hatch. Will Charlie die? Finally, with this episode, there are no more Catch 22's. It is time for Charlie to finally die. In knowing that his death will help save Claire and baby Aaron, Charlie is willing to push that button. As the episode progresses, Charlie's best memories flash before his eyes and make his list of greatest moments. This is the Eulogy portion of the show. Now, to see if I'm alone on this one, I googled "Greatest Hits Lost Lord of the Rings." The only things I found were people making a fuss about the ring memory being a shout out to Lord of the Rings. If it is, it is a very loose connection, I mean, it's not like the ring has any special powers (YET!). If anything though, it could all be a part of the intended homage. I especially enjoyed that flashback though, because while you thought the memory was going to be about this:

it turned out to be about this:

To me, this kind of shows the maturity of Charlie's character. How lame is that?

So Charlie embarks on this adventure, off to the Looking Glass hatch, to kill himself, and save the rest. Certainly a heroic effort. Dominic did a great job though, conveying this last mile.

You feeling that? No? Well, fuck you. Anyway, I guess it would really have been appropriate if Charlie had set off with Hurley into the sunset on his suicide mission, more Frodo and Samesq, but let's face it. Hurley really was too big for that boat.

I'm sorry Hurley! It's true though. No hard feelings right? Yeah? Well, fuck you too! Damn, just looking at that picture still makes me feel bad. This brings me to another connection. Just as Frodo felt that the burden of the ring was his own, and that the pain, suffering, and temptation should not be shared with any others, so Charlie felt the need to lie to Hurley and go on his own. So alas, we are left with just Charlie and Desmond, rowing out to a Mordor of sorts.

Now, on his last stretch, much as Sam and Frodo did, dreaming of happier times in the Shire, Charlie has only his last happy memory to look back on. The event that finally helped move away from the heroin addict rock star, and take off that hood.

This was a perfect clip to show Charlie's transformation. Can somebody tell me if this was really from Season 1 or if they refilmed this. Well, wake up Charlie, time to die.

Sorry. It's that whole, watching men cry thing. And the music. Speaking of. As shit has gone down this season, I like how the music has evolved into this drone sound they keep playing as the intensity builds.

Anyway, one last time to be a martyr. Desmond wants to go in your place Charlie (kind of like Sam).

Whack! Take that! There's only one hero in this tale, asshole.

And so, in goes Charlie. And what is this? Charlie isn't alone.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Charlie?

Cue the Ferris Bueller music, "Bow Bow... Oh Yeeeeeeeeah."

Anyway, regardless of the writers intentions, this is why I enjoyed the episode. This also got me to thinking, one of the major themes of Lord of the Rings is that when there is love for another person, anything is possible. Hence, Sam's love for Frodo gives him the strength to kill a giant spider. This isn't so far from Lost, or most stories, truth be told. Desmond's love for Penne, Charlie for Claire, and the rest. The writers of Lost are admittedly dorks. They are Star Trek fans and likely Lord of the Rings fans. I'm sure many of these themes appear in many books and movies, it was especially done well here though. And so, Sam's story ended with a happy ending. He returned home and had a family. The book ends simply, Sam says, I'm possibly paraphrasing, 'Well, I'm back.' Will the Lost survivors see the same fate? I guess we will know in 2010. Meanwhile, what will be the big twist next week? It is so big, the writers can only describe it as "the snake in the mailbox." Jump the shark? Well, Tolkein pulled it off, building up to a great ending, can Lost? Fuck they had better.

Sorry for being such a dork. I will now return to being awesome.

That's more like it.

"Bow Bow... Oh Yeeeeeeeeah."


Anonymous said...

Wow. That was exactly what we were doing. Good job, Sir Blogsalot. You're the first to notice.

Anonymous said...

Sir Blogsalot,

You have done it again! Your blog is so insightful and inspiring. I want you to take a look at my blog, but I really need to bring it up to par before I would be ready to show it to you. Yours is like a birdie, no, an eagle. Hell, it's an hole in one, the green jacket at the PGA tour. Let me tell you, winning the green jacket gets old fast, but your blog, now that glory lasts forever.

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

That is the dumbest entry ever. Fuck you Sir Blogsalot. You're full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off Billy, Blogsalot rocks.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, shut up Billy.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny, former secretary of labor, Rob Reich, how you have to signify who the fuck you are with your title because you're nobody. What did the secretary of labor ever do?

Anonymous said...

I probably saved your pathetic fucking ass from a sweatshop, and raised the minimum wage so you could make something flipping fucking burgers.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's just a summer job. Besides, I could still kick your ass.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that I nailed Hillary?

Take that Billy.