
Monday, April 30, 2007

Global Incident Map

Last Sunday on the WNYC/NPR program On the Media I heard an interesting interview with Morgan Clements, the creator and main operator of the Global Incident Map, a site which is essentially a marriage between the drudgereport and Google maps.Now, the screenshot above does not really do the site justice, and I would encourage you to click the link and check it out in its flashing explosion/radioactive bio-hazard warning intensity. I suppose what is really remarkable about this map, besides the obvious wonder it inspires when someone has the time and inclination to troll the global press and link this information to Google maps, is the shocking realization that this many things are going on that are entirely under my radar. But is that the point of this site? To incite an alarmist stance? I think the jury is still on this one, but, as you can hear in the audio from the On the Media embed below, Morgan Clements notes
...this is a tool that is useful to law enforcement. They may not have the time to sit there and scour all of the news all over the world, looking for stuff that might be of interest. So when we can provide a service, it makes it easy for them to do that. We’re really happy to be of use to them.

Isn't this what the Department of Homeland Security does? Our multitude of intelligence agencies both domestic and foreign? At least we have this guy looking out for us, operating out of his home in rural Missouri.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what you mean by boy.

-Billy Hanks
Rural, Missouri